Thursday, September 19th, 2024

Vol. 259 Demographic Survey

Amid the final weeks of its 259th volume this spring, The Daily ran an optional survey collecting anonymous demographic information from staffers. This was a follow up to the Vol. 258 survey conducted in the winter.

A total of 88 staffers, including 18 of 30 section leads, filled out the survey. Some opted out of specific questions, which is why the number of respondents in some of the below data is less than 88.

We see tracking this information as a small but important part of our broader efforts to better understand and promote diversity, equity and inclusion within the organization.

The information presented in the graphs below is not fully representative of our staff. Some opted out of the survey, and as a college organization our turnover within and between volumes is very high. Thus, this information should be taken with a grain of salt, and as an attempt to capture a snapshot of where we stood roughly in June 2021.

Please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Note that percentages add up to more than 100% in some of the below graphs where a portion of staffers identified in two or more ways.

Race & ethnicity

Last fall, the University published its most recent ethnic and racial diversity data across all undergraduates. However, this data is difficult to interpret: Some students identified as “International,” and “Two or more races” was marked as a separate category. Additionally, the University is less specific with how it categorizes race and ethnicity than The Daily was in its own survey.

86 Daily staffers

Gender identity

The University website describes all undergraduates in fall 2020 as 51% “Women” and 49% “Men.” No other gender identities are listed on the website, and it does not differentiate students identifying as transgender vs. cisgender.

87 Daily staffers

Sexual orientation

86 Daily staffers

Longstanding disability, illness or infirmity

84 Daily staffers

Family income bracket

88 Daily staffers

Need-based financial aid at Stanford

“Last year 47% [of all undergraduates] received need-based aid from Stanford and paid an average of $13,600 toward their bills,” according to the University website.

The website also lists 49% of the Class of 2023 as receiving need-based financial aid from the University, with the average aid at $52,030.

It is unclear what percentage of all undergraduates is receiving need-based financial aid this school year. Tuition and fees are $73,425 this school year, with tuition alone being $55,473.

88 Daily staffers

Federal work-study status

88 Daily staffers

First-generation student status

Stanford’s website lists 18.5% of the Class of 2023 as first-generation college students. The data for the Class of 2024 has not yet been made public.

88 Daily staffers

Legacy student status

According to a report Stanford submitted to the California state legislature in June 2020, 16.2% of the Class of 2023 identified as legacy students.

Stanford does not provide this information annually for the student body as a whole.

88 Daily staffers

Experience in journalism prior to joining The Daily

88 Daily staffers

International student status

86 Daily staffers

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