Friday, September 20th, 2024

Join Podcasts!

Hello potential staffers! I’m Chloe, the managing editor of podcasts at The Stanford Daily. 

Do you enjoy storytelling, collaborating with others, and/or making multimedia projects? Then you’ve come to the right section! Our student-run podcast, “The Daily Brew,” focuses on everything about Stanford, from academics to student culture, university traditions and much more! The section’s main objectives are to create original audio content on various topics about Stanford, collaborate with other sections of The Daily on podcast projects and advertise our episodes on social media to increase listenership. Whether you’re a podcasting expert or have never heard a podcast in your life, we accept students with all levels of experience! Here are a few examples of our past work for you to check out:

  • Marriage Pact Part II podcast, published in honor of Valentine’s Day festivities, this episode focused on students’ experiences filling out The Stanford Marriage Pact, a survey that uses 40-50 questions to match students together based on their potential compatibility.
  • Stanford Women’s Basketball: A Late Season Review, the first episode of the new collaboration with The Daily’s sports section, this series covers highlights and games during the 2021-2022 Stanford Women’s Basketball season.
  • Día De Los Muertos podcast, featuring an intimate look into the history of the celebration, students share how they remember lost loved ones through tradition. 
  • Imposter Syndrome podcast, an episode dedicated to exploring student feelings of self-doubt and imposter syndrome at Stanford.  

Through podcasts, we are able to capture the stories of real people, recording history in a uniquely powerful way. As a part of our podcasts team, you can take on various roles. Want to be part of the magic? Become an interviewer! Are you an avid social media user? Help us showcase “The Daily Brew” on The Stanford Daily’s Instagram and Twitter accounts! Do you enjoy public speaking? Become a narrator for our episodes published on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! No matter your background or experience, you are always welcome to join our small but mighty section.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

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