Friday, September 20th, 2024
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May 23, 2021
Members of the Stanford community write to condemn Israel's actions toward Palestinians.
May 31, 2021
Omer Reingold critiques opportunistic rhetoric in the U.S. around conflict in Israel and Palestine.
June 2, 2021
It is not within our rights to condemn any means the Palestinians use to defend themselves and preserve their dignity.
May 24, 2021
As students, alumni, faculty and staff of Stanford University, we write to express our disappointment, outrage and concern regarding the recent attacks on Emily Wilder ‘20 and other students by the Stanford College Republicans (SCR), and to demand that the University issue a strong and unequivocal statement on community standards as well as initiate an investigation to determine whether SCR’s actions constitute a violation of the Fundamental Standard.
May 20, 2021
Many have criticized Wilder's dismissal, with some raising concerns about SCR’s willingness to damage the livelihoods of fellow students and alumni and others condemning the AP for acting on SCR’s comments and dismissing a journalist following criticism of her past activism.
May 23, 2021
Students marched from Wilbur Field to the Oval on Sunday to show their support for Palestinian people under Israeli occupation.
May 24, 2021
Students shared personal experiences that they believe the ASSU should take into consideration when making any statement involving Israel and Palestine.
March 8, 2022
More than a week after the invasion of Ukraine, students await an official campus-wide announcement from University leadership surrounding the topic. Ukrainian students and allies have expressed confusion and frustration about the silence.
May 19, 2021
Over 100 people gathered in Main Quad last Thursday to advocate for police abolition and express solidarity with system-impacted individuals.
Sept. 22, 2021
Senator Emily Geigh Nichols ‘23 announced that she is establishing a Senate and Community Center liaison program for Senators to work more closely with communities across campus in light of the SV Free demonstration at Sophomore Convocation.
May 18, 2021
A body of Palestinian students and allies joined the first meeting of the 23rd Undergraduate Senate to rebuke the language Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) executives used in a Monday email about the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Aug. 17, 2021
The limits of digital student life have been especially challenging for these organizations over the last year and a half.
May 18, 2021
Leading scholars on the intersection of social media platforms and democracy say that though content moderation by social media platforms can be beneficial, it has its drawbacks because of the platforms’ potential to remove valuable content and the lack of transparency about the decision-making process.
May 20, 2021
Yousef AbuHashem, 18, lives in Gaza, a Palestinian territory under siege by Israeli airstrikes. His Instagram post, in which he explained how he fears for his life and called on Stanford to recognize the crisis in Gaza, went viral, surpassing 92,000 likes in just two days.
May 26, 2021
The petition condemns SCR's social media campaign and asks the University to affirm its commitment to enforcing Stanford's community standards and initiate a Fundamental Standard investigation into SCR's actions.
Jan. 28, 2021
As a freshman in high school, Elizabeth Davis '20 was plotting a 50-year plan to make it onto the Supreme Court. Just over a decade later, Davis is a leader in tech innovation and has a place on Forbes' 30 under 30 list in the social media category.
Feb. 2, 2021
Stanford must invest in the scholarship of Black academics, revolutionaries, political leaders and artists, argues Fatima Ladha.
Nov. 27, 2020
“I think there is a path, and at least I think it’s a path that, for now, I’m willing to look into and try and see where it leads me,” AbuHashem said.
May 25, 2020
I ask that you treat me with the same humanity in this conversation as you would peers from any other political, religious, ethnic or racial background.
Aug. 1, 2020
Our social media feeds were once filled with educational threads, but now it seems as though the momentum is slowing down. Despite this return to “normalcy” online, it’s important to continue educating ourselves and others about the Black Lives Matter movement.
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