Thursday, September 19th, 2024
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Stanford Film Study

Oct. 11, 2022
Counter has a hidden dimension of disguise that can make defenses overflow to one side of the field.
Nov. 23, 2022
The drive concept is another high-low passing concept that offenses utilize to attack linebackers that struggle in coverage.Stanford used the concept against Cal this past Saturday. 
Aug. 31, 2022
We’re going to be taking a look at one of Stanford’s staple offensive plays: power, a basic run play Stanford has used since Jim Harbaugh’s stint on The Farm.
Oct. 19, 2022
Stanford head coach David Shaw uses double slant concept, which tries to expose Cover 2 zone and man coverages. as part of his West Coast quick passing game.
Oct. 3, 2022
The stick concept is one of the most basic route concepts in the West Coast offense. Almost every offense runs stick in some form, and Stanford is no exception.
Sept. 27, 2022
This installation of film study dives into Stanford’s version of the Y-Cross. Some of the most explosive college offenses of the past decade have bludgeoned their opponents with this concept.
Sept. 21, 2022
Under head coach David Shaw, Stanford’s running game primarily consists of a mix of gap scheme and zone runs. This article will examine split zone, which is a zone running play.
Nov. 15, 2022
Heading into the 125th anniversary of the Big Game, this installation of Stanford Film Study will highlight some of the most common play concepts that both Stanford and Cal have utilized this season.
Sept. 15, 2022
Dragon is one of the most pervasive quick game passing concepts in all of football. Popularized by former Stanford head coach Bill Walsh, Dragon tries exposing flat defenders in man and cover 3 schemes. Stanford used the concept successfully against USC on Saturday. 
Sept. 6, 2022
The scissors concept is one of the ways that offenses try to defeat two high safety coverages. It can be run against Cover 2 or Tampa 2 man and zone. The concept has been run by NFL teams like the Saints, Eagles and Panthers. Stanford head coach David Shaw has also installed scissors into Stanford’s playbook.
Sept. 18, 2022
RPOs have become some of the most popular plays across college football. This article examines how the Cardinal used the Glance Tunnel RPO against the USC.
Dec. 8, 2022
The second installation of Stanford Basketball Film Study looks at zoom action, a set utilized a lot in Jerod Haase’s offense.
Dec. 15, 2022
This installment of Stanford Basketball Film Study will look at an action that the Cardinal like to run off-the-ball to get shooters wide-open.
Nov. 29, 2022
This first installation of Stanford basketball film study will take a look at one of Stanford’s most used offensive actions: the empty ball screen.
Nov. 16, 2022
Warm up for the Big Game with this face-off between famous actors who went to Stanford versus Berkeley!
July 16, 2022
The theater played a major role in the Stanford community and in downtown Palo Alto for over a century.
March 7, 2024
In their final meeting of the quarter, the Undergraduate Senate (UGS) debated a contested first amendment bill before passing it. They also heard updates on security surveillance and academic integrity.
Nov. 17, 2022
The Stanford Food Institute (SFI) screened the film “Rhythms of the Land,” which touched the audience with personal stories of Black farmers that lost their land within the past century.
April 3, 2022
Award-winning documentary filmmaker Sergei Loznitsa spoke to the power of images in the current Russia-Ukraine war and urged listeners to delve into the works of filmmakers who unearth historical trends that illuminate today's reality.
Oct. 10, 2022
Back in the spring, I wrote an article covering student testimonies of bizarre interactions with Stanford’s animal residents. In the following months, I connected with more members of Stanford’s community who had similarly peculiar tales to share, writes Sarayu Pai.
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