New Stanford startup that is just worse version of Instagram seeks to change the way we think about social media

Oct. 12, 2020, 11:27 p.m.

Seeking to change the way we think about social media, Donovan Winters ’24 and Johnny Sutton ’23 created Unrelated Noun — Stanford’s newest and most innovative startup company. The application, which allows users to “friend” each other and post photos and videos, changes the way we think about social media.

“You see, we really wanted to put the ‘social’ in social media,” said Winters. “It was all about changing the way we think about social media.”

The idea came from a computer science seminar that brought in a new industry leader each week. With the help of these tech moguls, the goal of the class was to change the way we think about social media.

“I was really inspired with how a software engineer at Instagram talked about changing the way we think about social media,” Sutton said. “Sometimes we just mindlessly scroll through the same old stuff. With Unrelated Noun, you can mindlessly scroll elsewhere for a bit, until you get bored, changing the way we think about social media.”

The coolest part about Unrelated Noun is that it constantly collects user’s data, so it can tailor a better experience to each person; no other application in the space does that yet, changing the way we think about social media.

Sutton and Winters challenge Stanford students to change the way they think about social media and give Unrelated Noun a try!

Editor’s Note: This article is purely satirical and fictitious. All attributions in this article are not genuine, and this story should be read in the context of pure entertainment only.

Contact Patrick Monreal at pmonreal ‘at’

Patrick Monreal '22 is the forefather of the satire section. He still kind of hangs around meetings and pretends to contribute to news. A native of Fresno, California, he is majoring in Earth Systems on the oceans track and minoring in chemistry. Contact him at pmonreal 'at'

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