Students to retrieve their belongings in phased approach beginning Monday

June 3, 2020, 8:25 p.m.

Students living in California who can travel to campus to retrieve their belongings and depart within the same day may do so as early as Monday, according to Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE).

Such students are part of “Phase 1A” of an approach that will have students come in waves to reclaim their things after Stanford sent undergraduates home in the hopes of resuming in-person classes this quarter. Phase 1A will last from Monday to June 21. 

Phase 1B includes students who live in residences that will house students over the summer or undergo renovation projects, including 550 Lasuen, Branner, Crothers, Durand, Hammarskjold, Mirrielees, Murray, Ng, Otero, Rinconada, Sigma Nu, Terra, Toyon, Ujamaa and ZAP, according to a Frequently Asked Questions page by R&DE. The FAQ did not specify a start date for this phase, but said it would be “very soon” and last until June 21. 

Students permitted to return to campus can sign up for an appointment to do so through an online portal on a first-come, first-served basis that will allot them three hours to pack up and move out. The number of students who can sign up to move out of a given building will be limited during each window to minimize the number of people in hallways, stairwells and restrooms, the FAQ said. Roommates will not be able to select the same window. 

Students will not be permitted to remain on campus outside their designated three-hour window, nor will they be allowed to visit common spaces within the residence or other campus buildings, the FAQ said. When packing up, students will only be permitted to have one member of their current household in their residence to assist them. Students with accommodations through the Office of Accessible Education may request an extended window.

If students do not return during their designated phase, their belongings will “likely be packed up and stored off-site,” and they will be permitted to return to pick up their packed belongings in “Phase 2.” If they have roommates, their things will “be packed intermingled.” No details on Phase 2 or beyond are included in the FAQ as of Tuesday afternoon. 

Some students’ belongings have already been packed up to make space for healthcare workers responding to the pandemic and those awaiting COVID-19 test results. These students will retrieve their belongings from pods or storage containers. 

Contact Julia Ingram at jmingram ‘at’

Julia Ingram ’21 was The Daily's Volume 256 editor-in-chief. She is a New York City native majoring in English literature and working toward a career in news reporting. Contact her at jingram ‘at’

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