Ain’t No Omarosa ’round Here

April 9, 2019, 1:07 a.m.

Simply put, I did not seek endorsement from SCR, nor do I accept it.

Students of Color Coalition. First-generation, Low-Income Partnership. The Stanford Daily. Do you know what all three of these have in common? These are the only organizations that have endorsed my candidacy. Period.

I would never seek an endorsement from a group that directly undermines the communities I seek to represent. The Stanford College Republicans (SCR) is the antithesis of my campaign and me. Usually, in the words of Michelle Obama, “When they go low, we go high.” But not today.

I have something to say, and SCR is not going to like it. SCR is a hate group whose main intention is to weaponize “freedom of speech” to harm marginalized communities. SCR thrives on causing chaos around Stanford, something that I will fight tooth and nail as an ASSU Senator. My campaign and the identities that I represent — and have fought for all of my life — threaten SCR so much that they’ve gone out their way to influence this election.

History of False Endorsements

This is not the first time that SCR has made some false statement as a means of influencing the election. Last year, SCR worked to impede the election of Khaled Aounallah and Michael Ocon, two candidates coincidentally of color and endorsed by SOCC. A similar false publication was posted across the hate group’s social media platforms that named Khaled and Michael in an effort to malign their campaign. That’s exactly what’s happening this year.

Why is this important? Because the integrity of this year’s election is at stake. SCR must be and will be stopped.

Moving Forward

As a candidate with strong integrity, character, determination, resilience, and honest intentions, I recognize the honor in serving the Stanford community and student population as an ASSU Undergraduate Senator. I want to affirm my commitment to the issues that helped me to secure endorsements from SOCC, FLIP, and the Daily. I will continue to fight alongside marginalized communities to make Stanford a better place.

For any further comments/discussion on this matter, please refer to my candidate statement at this website:

— Micheal Brown ’22

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