Man found masturbating in Escondido Village elevator

Oct. 11, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

A young male was sighted masturbating inside of a Quillen Highrise elevator in the Escondido Village graduate student housing complex on Tuesday evening, according to an Alert SU report.

At approximately 8:40 p.m., a woman entered the elevator and saw the man exposing himself. She described him as an Asian male with short, black hair, approximately 5’9’’ and between 25 and 30 years old. She said he was dressed in dark clothes.

The reporting party and the man spoke briefly before she left the elevator and exited the building via a stairway. There was no physical contact between the two. It is unknown whether the male subject has left Quillen.

If the subject is positively identified, the Stanford Public Department of Safety (SUDPS) will forward the case to the District Attorney’s Office for review and determination of a charge, according to spokesperson Bill Larson.

California’s indecent exposure statute prohibits intentional public genital exposure for sexual gratification or offense.

The police have no more information to share about this incident.

Contact Yasmin Samrai at ysamrai ‘at’


Yasmin Samrai ’21 is a Desk Editor for Local. She hails from London, UK. She loves traveling, listening to 80s music and sipping Earl Grey tea. Feel free to ask her about her favourite James Bond or talk politics. Contact her at ysamrai ‘at’

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