The 40th reunion was the ultimate

Nov. 3, 2015, 11:59 p.m.

My 40th Stanford reunion was big fun! What a thrill it was to see familiar faces and chat with newfound friends. I participated in the first ever Flash Mob Dance with joy and spirit as our class continued to dance to music from the ’70s. Why did I miss all the previous reunions? No good reason, but thank God a dear friend convinced me to make it to this one.

President Hennessy’s opening talk was engaging and eye opening. Dinner on the Quad was amazing! Afterwards, I found my name emblazoned on a wall at the Human Biology Department because I was a student advisor back in the day. I sat awestruck in one “class without quizzes” lecture. The professor talked about research where the blood plasma taken from young mice and injected into older mice led to rejuvenating qualities in the older mice. The future is here, baby!

I reveled in how big the campus had become — all the new construction. I revisited my freshman dorm, Branner Hall, and enjoyed the cool, fall breezes as students surged by on bicycles. What a difference 40 years makes. As a student, how did I not appreciate the majestic beauty of Memorial Church or the perfect postcard view driving down Palm Drive toward the University?

Witnessing Stanford beat the stuffing out of Washington at the football game was so exciting. Later, I danced with my generation and younger ones at the Black Community Center, partying like there was no tomorrow. And on game day, I met our governor, Jerry Brown. I was here four days, but the memories will stay with me forever. Thank you, Stanford, for admitting me and allowing me to learn and study at this fine university. With the greatest appreciation, I know I was blessed to be here.

Wanda Weaver Kight

Member of the great Class of 1975

kightwanda ‘at’

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