University creates maps to show off campus works of art

Nov. 30, 2013, 4:11 p.m.

DAILY NEWS BRIEF: Two new maps have been created in order to help students, faculty, and visitors, to locate pieces of art on the Stanford campus. The Stanford Arts Map is available on smartphone or tablet, and includes a range of historical and logistical information on the 85 sculptures, murals, galleries, paintings, and other works located on the Stanford campus.

The interactive map uses color-coded pins to differentiate between public works of art, major architectural sites, Stanford art departments, and other buildings and galleries related to art.

The second map is a hard paper map available for those who would prefer not to use electronic devices. Of the 32 public art works located, key sites include El Centro Chicano’s façade Mural in Old Union, the Papua New Guinea sculpture garden hidden in a grove near Roble dorm, the Bing Concert Hall.

Additionally, the maps outline the arts district on campus that will soon be expanded by the acquisition of the Anderson Collection in 2014 and the opening of the McMurtry Building for the Department of Art and Art History in 2015.


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