Roxy Sass: Giving Thanks

Nov. 22, 2013, 4:00 a.m.

‘Tis the season to give thanks, and Roxy’s always been a fan of vocalizing her appreciation. She might not be able to share these around the family dinner table, but here are a few things Roxy is thankful for this year:

Yoga pants: The tail end of fall quarter brings with it not only obnoxiously early Christmas tunes but also the advent of Lululemon season. Although, in Roxy’s opinion, these wonders of female fashion can be worn all year round, a quick look around Tresidder on a crisp autumn day reveals a higher-than-usual tally of collegiettes in cute flannels, boots and stretchy pants that caress every curve. Roxy might not have paid too much attention in econ (she facilitates a different kind of inflation), but she does understand the importance of highlighting your ass-ets.

Hometown hookups: Going home for the holidays has perks other than turkey and family: It’s the perfect time to reconnect with that old high school flame. Roxy likes to get things off – to a good start – during Thanksgiving break so she can count on a snuggle buddy for the long, cold winter holidays away from the studs of Stanford.

New Arrillaga gym: Roxy’s most sincere thanks go to Mr. Arrillaga himself for supplying the students of Stanford with yet another place to meet athletic hotties… and chat up swimmers at the pool. Roxy’ll help you practice your breaststroke anytime.

Senior nights: As a perpetual senior, Roxy is what you might call an “old pro” at pub nights. Somehow it’s more exciting to hook up at a bar in PA than KA… especially when it’s with that random guy you haven’t seen since freshman year IHUM section. And those bus rides can provide the perfect opportunity to snuggle up on the way there and get down on the way back.

Cookie dough in open kitchens: Enough said.


Let Roxy know how thankful you are for her at [email protected]

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