Stanford Drag Troupe is never a drag

Dec. 5, 2022, 11:22 p.m.

This article omits the given names of drag performers in keeping with Stanford Drag Troupe’s privacy policy.

“Last, but certainly not least … well, maybe least,” said emcee Zz Chic, “where are all the straights at?” This quip set the tone for a fun celebration of queer culture.  

Friday’s “The Freaks Among Us: A Big Top Drag Show” was an overwhelmingly fantastic event. Stanford Drag Troupe’s circus-themed show featured a variety of acts, each with an entertaining connection to the theme. 

Each performance was wildly entertaining as well as unique, creating a fast-paced and exciting show. From singing and dancing to comedy and acrobatics, there was an act to suit everyone’s taste. Every performer was fantastic; when I spoke to a friend after the show, she commented that every act had her doubting the next one would be able to match the high bar just set — but it did every time. 

Some of the standout performances of the night were given by Nikki Dreams, Ariel Silks, Cicala and Slut the Rock Johnson. Nikki Dreams’ pole-dance featured incredible acts of strength, all while looking graceful. Ariel Silks’ number had the audience aroar with constant cheering and clapping. Her choreography and accompanying facial expressions were incredibly fun. At one point, she did two flips in a row, much to the audience’s delight. 

The comic acts of the night were no less impressive. Cicala, one of these such acts, wore a white morph suit and mask, under which was another mask … under which were several more masks. Each mask reveal was met with loud cheers from the audience. Their physical comedy was incredible, and they somehow managed to make getting out of their morph suit — revealing another, black morph suit underneath — look easy. Slut the Rock Johnson, a dancer dressed as a clown, also gave a fantastic, laughter-inducing performance. In the highlight of his act, he pulled several bandanas from his underwear, reminiscent of the classic magician’s trick, leaving the audience in stitches. 

Each performer’s look was also incredible. Two of the most memorable outfits of the night were Rashi’s bright green top and skirt set and Latke’s gorgeous green ball gown, which incited much excitement from the audience. Following Latke’s performance, the audience lost its hesitance and began to cheer more freely. 

There seemed to have been a couple of technical issues, such as a problem with the mic volume in the beginning and a few rough transitions between acts. However, these issues were minor and did not interfere with my enjoyment of the show. 

Despite these technical missteps, the show’s standing ovation was much deserved. Closing out with a group act, the choreography seamlessly blended all the different performers’ styles in an incredibly fun finale. Seeing the performers return for an incredibly well-executed dance number was a perfect end to the night. 

Editor’s Note: This article is a review and includes subjective thoughts, opinions and critiques.

Isabella Saracco '23 is a staff writer and columnist for The Stanford Daily. She loves Chicago, deep-dish pizza and cats.

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