Woman reports rape on campus

Oct. 7, 2022, 7:41 p.m.

This story contains references to sexual assault.

A male perpetrator sexually assaulted an adult woman in the basement of a University building on Friday afternoon, according to a report made by a mandated reporter to the Stanford University Department of Public Safety (SUDPS).

The adult victim told a mandatory reporter that she was in her office when an adult male grabbed and forced her to a basement where she was raped. The mandatory reporter told SUDPS later that afternoon. The incident occurred at approximately 12:30 p.m., according to an AlertSU notification sent Friday evening.

No identifying information was provided about the perpetrator to SUDPS. According to the update, the victim does not want to provide a statement to law enforcement at this time.

The AlertSU included information urging upstanders, individuals who witness violent behavior, to intervene: “Upstanders have the power [to] stop assaults and to get help for people who have been victimized.”  The AlertSU also shared support resources for people affected by sexual violence.

The Daily has reached out to SUDPS for more information.

Griffin Clark ’25 is a co-Desk Editor for Science & Technology News at The Daily. Contact Griffin at grclark ‘at’ stanford.edu.

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