Power returns to campus after prolonged outage

June 24, 2022, 10:40 p.m.

This morning, after two full days of a full-scale power outage, power is slowly being restored to campus and University operations will resume on Saturday, Stanford announced.

The alert, sent to the Stanford community at 11:09 a.m., shared that “PG&E continues to work on the Jefferson line that supplies power to the main Stanford campus,” and that the provider has “also been able to supply the campus with additional energy to the line currently supplying our backup power,” thus allowing the process of full power restoration to begin. 

Students and faculty on campus should expect power to return in increments throughout today and the weekend, as crews are assessing buildings to ensure its operations can go forward, the update read.

Stanford also committed to resume Summer Session classes on Monday, writing that students should look for information from their instructors for course updates. Main-campus employees have been instructed to return to their routines prior to the disruption, and labs will also gradually reopen once power is restored.

The University advised that, when returning to housing and work stations, “ensure cooking and heating appliances are safely turned off,” and check for any equipment that is not functioning  properly. Food in refrigerators and freezers may be spoiled and should be discarded as well. Students impacted by the power outage may file a Power Outage Support Request to cover food spoilage, eating out due to a lack of access to cooking and medication replacement, a University spokesperson told The Daily. Students are eligible for an emergency stipend of $100 to help with expenses and additional funding for medicine replacement. As for those in research spaces, the University is encouraging them to also check for “any heating or heat-producing equipment that may have been left in the on position and survey workspaces.”

“We want to thank the members of our campus community for your patience over the past days,” University officials wrote, “and extend special appreciation to the incredible groups of university staff who have worked tirelessly to restore power, support students living on campus and uphold research.”

Kyla Figueroa ‘24 is the former Vol. 260–262 Managing Editor for The Grind, the 263 Screen DE for Arts & Life, and a staff writer for News. Throw pitches and questions her way — kfigueroa ‘at’ stanforddaily.com.

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