Alternative Spring Breaks (ASB) are themed week-long student-led excursions that take place over spring break and seek to "transform students into advocates of social change," according to the ASB website. This photo gallery features photos from five different ASB programs. It is an accompaniment to the Daily article "Alternative Spring Break Trips provide meaningful experiences despite organizational challenges."
The National Memorial for Peace and Justice at the Equal Justice Initiative’s Legacy Museum. From Hillel at Stanford ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Yasmin Samrai)
Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee. From Hillel at Stanford ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Yasmin Samrai)
Statues of Black women civil rights leaders
at the Equal Justice Initiative’s Legacy Museum. From Hillel at Stanford ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Yasmin Samrai)
Beale Street. From Hillel at Stanford ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Yasmin Samrai)
San Francisco, California. From The Soul of the City: Music and Grassroots Organizing in Chicago ASB during the 2021-2022 academic school year. (Photo courtesy of Anastacia Del Rio)
San Francisco, California. From The Soul of the City: Music and Grassroots Organizing in Chicago ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Anastacia Del Rio)
San Francisco, California. From The Soul of the City: Music and Grassroots Organizing in Chicago ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Anastacia Del Rio)
ASB at the hummingbird farm in Excelsior, San Francisco with members from the Filipino Community Center. Here, students visited a plaque and trees that recognized the Philippine state violence convicted against the New Bataan 5, who were volunteer teachers with Indigenous Lumad schools in the Philippines. From Pilipinx Issues ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Laxama)
ASB students with workers and executive committee members of PAWIS (Pilipino Association of Workers and Immigrants). Students listened to a presentation on the Philippine Labor Export Policy (LEP) and engaged in a worker's panel, where Filipino workers shared their stories of struggle which opened a conversation on how to best engage the younger generation to fight against the systemic issues of governmental corruption and exploitation of migrant workers. From Pilipinx Issues ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Laxama)
Stanford Pil ASB with members from Kabattan Alliance (KA) and Northern California Pilipinx American Student Alliance (NCPASA), both of which are regional and national alliances (respectively) of Filipino youth and student organizations dedicated to serving Filipino communities here and back home in the Philippines. Stanford's Pilipinx-American Student Union (PASU) is a member of both alliances, and students learned here how to best integrate their home organization with student networks at nearby universities. From Pilipinx Issues ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Laxama)
Stanford Pil ASB and Stanford Asian American Issues ASB in front of the San Francisco International Hotel (iHotel), a low-income residential hotel home to many Asian American tenants, including a large Filipino American population. This hotel was the sight of major protests in the 70's, which were in direct response to the eviction and gentrification projects brought on by the city of San Francisco's redevelopment plans. From Pilipinx Issues ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Laxama)
A duckling at Dutch Hollow Farm. From Just Corns and Cows? Bridging the Rural-Urban Divide ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Allen Huang)
Visit with the Merced County Farm Bureau. From Just Corn and Cows? Bridging the Rural-Urban Divide ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Allen Huang)
Group picture taken in front of a mural in Modesto. From Just Corn and Cows? Bridging the Rural-Urban Divide ASB.
(Photo Courtesy of Allen Huang)
Reflecting on the ASB experience in Monterrey, CA. From Asian American Issues: From Identity to Action ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Linh Dan Do)
Asian American Issues ASB exploring SF Chinatown alley. From Asian American Issues: From Identity to Action ASB. (Photo Courtesy of Linh Dan Do)