Letter to the Community: The ASSU’s vaccination survey

May 13, 2021, 8:47 p.m.

Dear Stanford Community,

The ASSU is committed to ensuring that student voices are solicited and accurate data is available when decisions are made at the University. So, the ASSU reached out to students to better understand COVID vaccination rates and a few other related items. Here are the results of that survey. Thank you to the 1,020 undergraduate students who responded.

General Takeaways

  • 71% of respondents who are on campus self-reported as fully vaccinated (two weeks past final dose) 
  • By June 11th, 96% of respondents who are on campus self-reported that they will be fully vaccinated
  • 98% of respondents who could possibly be on campus during the summer self-reported that they will be fully vaccinated by June 12th (summer quarter starts on June 21st)
  • Nearly all respondents (96%) are comfortable sharing their vaccination status with Stanford
  • For those respondents who are off campus, 67% self-reported as fully vaccinated and 93% self-reported that they will be by June 11th

Current Vaccination Rates

The chart below shows the cumulative number of respondents who currently live on campus or come to campus frequently who self-reported that they will be fully vaccinated by the given date. 

Letter to the Community: The ASSU’s vaccination survey
The rate is currently 72% and will be 96% by June 11th

Summer Vaccination Rates

The chart below shows the cumulative number of those who responded that they will be on campus during the summer (or hope to be on campus during the summer, such as juniors and seniors who applied for on-campus housing but have yet to hear back) who self-reported that they will be vaccinated by the given date. Note that summer quarter starts on June 21st, meaning 98% of respondents attending summer quarter self-reported that they will be fully vaccinated by then. 

Letter to the Community: The ASSU’s vaccination survey
The rate is currently around 70% and will be 98% by the start of Summer Quarter

Vaccination Record Sharing 

We also asked how comfortable respondents would be sharing their vaccination status with Stanford. Almost all were comfortable (96%), while only a few (1.5%) were “Extremely Uncomfortable.” Those who are uncomfortable fear discrimination against those who aren’t planning to get vaccinated, have a general view that medical information is private, possess anxiety that vaccines are only authorized under an emergency use authorization and have a general distrust of sharing information with the University after “[the University’s] lack of transparency and honest communication with students over the past year.”

Desired Relaxations

Respondents are very eager to see some on-campus restrictions lifted once public health conditions allow. Some of the more common items requested, particularly for those who are vaccinated, were increased access to studio and music spaces, reversal of social gathering size limits, removal of outdoor mask mandates, increased gym access, reinstatement of senior class events, opening of the eateries inside Tresidder, reduction in testing and health check requirements, resumption of club activities, relaxation of religious event restrictions and the resumption of some in-person classes.

Some of the text comments reflected a general feeling of what can only be described as annoyance that the University was perceived to be putting more stringent requirements on students who are vaccinated than the CDC recommends. On the other hand, a few respondents expressed a desire for campus restrictions to stay in place, citing public health concerns. 


As always, your feedback, opinions and questions are welcome. Please keep in mind that the ASSU does not make decisions about campus restrictions and that many are set by county and state guidelines. We encourage you to make smart and safe decisions and wish you the very best for the rest of your spring quarter. Feel free to reach the ASSU at assu.stanford.edu.

Sincerely yours,

Jonathan Lipman, ASSU Undergraduate Senator
Emily Park, ASSU

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