Undergraduate Senate votes to alter leadership structure, confirms new senators

May 10, 2021, 10:11 p.m.

The Undergraduate Senate unanimously passed a resolution to alter its leadership structure and confirmed this year’s election results at Monday’s meeting.

The resolution adds a Chief of Staff position and allows future Undergraduate Senates to vote on whether to elect an additional Senate Chair. Under this resolution, some of the duties that the traditional single Senate Chair is responsible for will be divided between the two chairs to allow “more agendas and goals to be completed due to the sharing of power,” according to the resolution. These duties include leading Senate meetings, meeting with University administrators at least once per academic quarter and carrying out other responsibilities as outlined in the resolution.

Senators for the 23rd Undergraduate Senate will be sworn in, and internal elections will be held over the next few weeks, according to Senator Alain Perez ’23. Sophomore class president elections have not yet been confirmed due to a petition to the Constitutional Council that claims the mandatory ranking of all sophomore class slates was unconstitutional and asks for ranking all slates to be made optional in the future.

In light of all seven of the Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) amendments failing during this year’s general election, Senator Jonathan Lipman ’21 raised the possibility of a graduate student referendum to reach the necessary graduate student participation to make a decision on the amendments. The amendments did not pass in the recent election because both undergraduate and graduate student voters did not meet a 15% quorum, and only five to seven percent of graduate students voted on the constitutional amendments.

Michaela Guo is a staff writer in the News section. She is a freshman and plans to study Human Biology and Asian American studies. Contact her at mguo ‘at’ stanforddaily.com.

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