Letter from The Grind editors: Introducing ‘Sex, love and relationships’

April 25, 2021, 8:40 p.m.

Stanford has many romantic traditions.

Usually, there’s “Full Moon on the Quad,” where, as the name suggests, on the first full moon of the school year, students gather in Main Quad beneath the golden light of Memorial Church. Before the eyes of stained-glass angels, they hand one another farm-fresh roses and kiss the Tree. There’s “Screw Your Roo,” where frosh set up their roommates on blind dates to enjoy things like fusion food and square dancing. And there’s the Marriage Pact, where students answer question after question about themselves and are algorithmically paired with another Stanford student that they may friend on Facebook or grab a coffee with at CoHo or stroll with around the sprawling acres of campus.

But, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, with students spread out across the globe and campus mostly closed, there is no kissing strangers or whirling and twirling on the dance floor. Like everything else, dating has changed. In this series, we explore the topics of sex, love and relationships in the digital age and during the pandemic. For the remainder of spring quarter, read The Grind’s latest for student stories on intergenerational friendships, the struggles of long-distance dating, advice about sexual health resources, how to navigate dating apps and more, in addition to our regular content.

Contact The Daily’s The Grind section at thegrind ‘at’ stanforddaily.com.

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