Undergraduate senate passes resolution against moving students to new residences in the spring

Feb. 8, 2021, 10:28 p.m.

Undergraduate senators unanimously passed a resolution against having students move residences in spring quarter and took a new approach to expanding student eligibility for voting and candidacy in the upcoming Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) elections at their meeting Monday night.

The resolution asks that R&DE “suspend their current process reassigning students” currently on campus to new housing in spring quarter, so that students don’t have to move over spring break.

Undergraduate senators additionally intend to update a memorandum by the ASSU Elections Commission asking the registrar, which is typically in charge of confirming eligibility for student government elections, to allow students who were not enrolled during the fall and winter quarters to vote or run for office.

After students reported that instructors still gave finals in Week 10 of fall quarter, despite guidance from the Academic Senate, senators reviewed a resolution asking the Faculty Senate to urge instructors to revise quarter workloads to offer more frequent, lower-stakes assessments throughout the quarter to reduce student stress.

“What’s the point of going through a pandemic and having all of these conversations about equity and to hear all this lip service, for it not to really matter?” asked Senate Chair Micheal Brown ’22. “It’s just common sense that we should try to adjust our educational experience.”

According to Senator Jonathan Lipman ’21, it is “very unlikely” that the Faculty Senate will mandate faculty to eliminate final exams during Week 10.

“We’re really hoping that this [resolution] will lead to … a stronger rhetoric on this, and really push the message that this is really stressful for students, and it’s creating a lot of burdens,” Lipman said.

Senators also discussed plans to write a separate resolution asking the Faculty Senate to create a system to protect students who bring forth academic grievances from any instructor backlash.

Contact Michaela Guo at mcguo ‘at’ stanford.edu.

Michaela Guo is a staff writer in the News section. She is a freshman and plans to study Human Biology and Asian American studies. Contact her at mguo ‘at’ stanforddaily.com.

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