Letter to the community: #EndSARS letter of solidarity

Oct. 26, 2020, 11:39 p.m.

[Tw: Violence, assault, police brutality]

Dear Stanford Community,

We hope all of you are taking care of yourselves the best you can. This week has been painful for our African community, as we navigate the crises in Nigeria, Cameroon and countries around Africa. Currently, Nigeria is experiencing large waves of protests due to the actions of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). Over the past few years, SARS has extorted, assaulted, harassed and murdered numerous Nigerian civilians, causing the public to take a stand against police brutality and in favor of government reform.

Stanford is home to many Nigerians and members of the African community. It is important that we come together to support each other and to fight for the liberation of Nigerians and Black people around the world. It is essential that we use our privilege to support all members of our community and those around the world.

This past weekend, the Stanford Nigerian Student Association held #ENDSARS: An Hour of Action — students phone-banked, petitioned and sent emails to Nigerian senators and embassy leaders. We highly encourage all students to continue these efforts. Here is a list of resources where you can learn how to donate, send emails and sign petitions for the end of SARS. This list includes a social media toolkit you can use to share resources and show support.

We stand in solidarity with our Nigerian community. We are deeply sorry for the hardships you are enduring. As you continue to fight, please remember to take care of yourselves. Take walks, rest, watch some movies or call your family members. Find time to replenish yourselves by doing things you enjoy.

We ask that everyone support the Nigerian community. To our University administration, we demand a statement of solidarity, academic accommodations and emotional support resources for the Nigerian and African community at Stanford. We ask that the Stanford student body, faculty, staff and administration share information and encourage others to join the movement. Do phone-banking to help. Sign petitions to show your support. Donate money and supplies if you can. Take some time to aid in the fight for liberation — every effort means a lot. As we continue this fight, remember that we’re in this together. None of us are liberated until we all are.

Thank you,

Micheal Brown, Undergraduate Senate Chair

Danny Nguyen, Undergraduate Senate Deputy Chair

Emily Nichols, Undergraduate Senate Director of Communications 

Oluwatamilore Awosile, Co-President of Stanford Nigerian Students Association 

(On behalf of the Undergraduate Senate)

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