Poetry: Ode on an REI Backpack

May 29, 2020, 9:59 a.m.

Editor’s note: The Reads beat is publishing short fiction, poetry and other creative writing pieces. Send submissions to scotts7 ‘at’ stanford.edu.

Big enough to hold all of the things
Day-to-day, month-to-month
Sunscreen, dead of winter, 
but what if I burn?
Lip balm, in every case, 
what if I’m not kissable?
Tweezers for emergencies, stray hairs, stray splinters
Water, always.
A book
Two books
Three books
Unopened in months, unread
Eight pounds of ink and paper on my disabled back, 
but what if I get bored? 
My journal
Worn, trusty, hardy
Weeks of missing entries, but what if something notable happens?
Laptop charger
Phone charger
Portable battery
Second portable battery
Portable battery charger
Oil blotting papers
Three pilot G-2 pens

Contact Rachel D’Agui at rdagui ‘at’ stanford.edu.

Rachel D'Agui is a member of the editorial board and a contributing writer in the Arts & Life section. Contact her at rdagui 'at' stanforddaily.com.

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