Frankly Speaking: What do you think of Zoom University?

May 18, 2020, 12:44 a.m.

Frankly Speaking is aimed at extending discourse and debate on important subjects beyond Daily staffers. We want to hear from members of the Stanford community about their takes on the controversial topics and vital realities we confront.

This week’s topic: What do you think of Zoom University? If we had to do another quarter online, what changes would you suggest?

Like several universities and schools throughout the U.S., Stanford has switched to online instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In our experience, the new learning format has received mixed reviews. While some have pointed out that it is difficult to focus in online classes (often through memes), others enjoy the opportunity to set their own pace. Debates about the quality of discussion on Zoom and robustness of online assessment also percolate, especially as tuition remains unchanged.

Every student’s experiences with online learning surely varies with their personal circumstances, the classes they take, what subjects they study and the online learning tools they are engaged with. So, we want to know what your experience at “Zoom University” has been so far. Additionally, given the possibility of another totally or partially online quarter, what are possible improvements that instructors and students can make to enhance distance learning?

Here’s the link again: If you have any questions, please email opinions ‘at’

We look forward to hearing from you.

— The Opinions Team, Volume 257

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