Weekend Roundup email newsletter: March 22 edition

March 22, 2020, 10:55 a.m.

Our Weekend Roundup is released on Sunday mornings during the school year and features an engaging rundown of the news from the previous week in the form of a briefing. It also includes editors’ picks from our Arts & Life, Grind, Opinions and Satire sections, as well as a list of upcoming events to watch out for in the next week. Subscribe here to receive emails like this.

Weekend Roundup email newsletter: March 22 edition


The front of Main Quad, with Hoover Tower to the left
For the latest coronavirus updates, follow along with The Daily’s live blog, which includes a map of confirmed cases and a timeline of Stanford’s response to the outbreak.

It’s been, as President Marc Tessier-Lavigne put it, “an extraordinary week.” By 5 p.m. on Wednesday, with Santa Clara County (and later the entire state) under a “shelter in place” order, nearly all of Stanford’s undergraduates had headed home. On Friday, they learned that they wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon: Spring classes will be held online for the entire quarter, and the University will not hold a traditional commencement.

In other logistical news: Last week’s already-optional winter final exams were rescheduled (as some of them were literally happening) to start Friday and end this week, pushing spring break — and next quarter — back one week. Spring quarter now starts on April 6, but it will still end as planned on June 10. The University is adjusting for the lost time by cutting the traditional final exam period; students will be graded via quizzes and assessments throughout the quarter instead.

In between Stanford’s Health Alerts, stories emerged about a community uprooted by pandemic. Students raised tens of thousands of dollars, in addition to collecting food and other resources, to support the unexpectedly displaced. Three more students told The Daily that they had tested positive for COVID-19; two of them initially thought they had tested negative, before being told that a negative result for seasonal coronavirus was very different than a negative result for COVID-19. Graduate students are petitioning for lower tuition and housing costs for the duration of the pandemic, and Fulbright scholars who were studying in Italy now face uncertainty and financial stress after the program told them to leave the country.
Lasuen Mall from Jane Stanford Way
In Opinions, Jessica de la Paz eulogizes the loss of the class of 2020’s senior spring, as The Daily Editorial Board argues that Stanford should lower tuition for the upcoming online-only spring quarter. In Satire, Kirsten Mettler gets the inside scoop on President Trump’s decision to name Mike Pence his “coronavirus response coordinator” instead of “coronavirus czar.” In Arts & Life, Nick Sligh concludes his 10-part series with his top 10 albums of the 2010s. In The Grind, Amy Zhou delivers service journalism we all can use: 19 things to do while self-quarantined for COVID-19.

And over on The Daily’s YouTube page, the video team has been busy, quizzing TreeHacks contestants on the real metric of expertise (how many computers can they name?) and investigating what it takes to join club polo (once we’re back on campus).

That’s all for this roundup. Though The Daily is suspending its print edition, we’ll continue to bring you updates on coronavirus, online spring and more through our email newsletters and our website, stanforddaily.com.
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