Student assaulted, robbed outside Narnia on Sunday morning, mandatory reporter tells public safety

Feb. 13, 2020, 11:54 p.m.

A student was assaulted and robbed outside of a campus residence early Sunday morning, a campus security authority (CSA) told Stanford’s public safety department. A CSA is an individual designated as a mandatory reporter for certain types of crimes. An AlertSU notification was sent to the Stanford community on Thursday afternoon.

The victim was standing with two other Stanford students outside Narnia, a self-op located on Campus Drive, at around 1 a.m. when they were approached by a group of six or seven unknown males, according to the alert. After a verbal confrontation, one of the men stepped forward and punched the victim in the face, who then lost consciousness. The suspect removed cash from the unconscious victim’s wallet before the group left the site, according to the alert.

The victim did not wish to speak to law enforcement about the matter, the alert states. 

The group of males was last seen near the Music Knoll, according to the alert. The witness who reported the incident to the CSA described the males as African American and Hispanic, and between the ages of 20 and 26, the alert added.

Stanford University Department of Public Safety (SUDPS) spokesperson Bill Larson told The Daily that SUDPS was not investigating, and that only information provided by the mandatory reporter was available.

Contact Grace Carroll at gac23 ‘at’

Grace Carroll is the Vol. 261 magazine editor. She was previously a news desk editor. Contact her at gcarroll 'at'