SLS alumni in support of the ‘Racism Lives Here, Too’ campaign

April 11, 2018, 5:00 a.m.

More than 400 Stanford Law School alumni, spanning over 30 years of SLS graduates, have signed onto the letter below supporting the student-led “Racism Lives Here, Too” campaign. The many alumni signatories represent some of the law school’s most active and involved alumni. Our hope in publishing this letter is to show the student organizers that we support them and their movement, and to demonstrate to the administration and faculty that there exists broad and deep interest among alumni in prioritizing diversity and inclusion at SLS.   — A Coalition of Alumni Supporting RLHT

Dear Dean Magill and Stanford Law School Community:

We are a group of Stanford Law School alumni writing to pledge our full support for the coalition of students of color seeking racial equity at SLS. We have watched from afar as the students have engaged in a brave, sharp and thoughtful campaign for fairness and respect. Their honest airing of biased and racist behavior at the Law School inspired us to reflect on our own experiences at Stanford and as lawyers. We join the voices of these students to call out racism and implicit bias and to amplify our desire to see a change in how the legal profession as a whole approaches these issues.

Stanford Law School is a community of individuals of different races, cultures, religions, class locations, political viewpoints and nationalities. We understand that our diversity is our strength. We know that students of color are denied the same highest-quality legal training received by their white classmates when they must contend on a daily basis with the painful effects of racism and unconscious bias. We also know that when our legal academic institutions do not support young law students of color, the repercussions extend beyond the individual. Every time a law student of color is diminished, ignored or targeted on account of her race, the legal profession risks losing her contributions, her talent and her passion. And the project of creating a legal workforce that is representative of the people it serves is set back.

In our experience at Stanford, frank discussions of race in the classroom were rare. Those discussions that did occur were often initiated by faculty of color, of whom there were far too few. No orientation session pertained to racial sensitivity or cultural inclusion. The observation of the coalition of students of color that you could graduate from Stanford despite having “completely avoid[ed] discussions of race and structural inequalities” was equally accurate in our own time. [1] This represents a disservice not only to students of color, but to all students, who should be prepared to work competently with clients, supervisors, colleagues and judges from backgrounds other than their own. It is the law school’s obligation to train all of its students in this regard. We worry that in the absence of a robust response and serious commitment to change, this issue could impact SLS’s ability to attract students of color, as well as any student who understands the importance of being trained to be a culturally competent member of the legal profession.

As an institution driven by new ideas and innovation with access to the world’s leading scholars on implicit bias and institutional change, SLS is perfectly positioned to serve as a model for best practices in recruitment, orientation, teaching, training and student support designed to promote racial equity. An important measure of success in such efforts should be whether students of color report that they believe they belong at SLS and are a valued part of our community. By that measure, we are currently failing.

We urge Dean Magill, the SLS administration and the entire faculty, to listen to students of color who are speaking out, and to seek input from those who are not so vocal. We expect you to support the leadership of the coalition of law students of color as well as those faculty and staff at the law school who have been working closely with the coalition. Accepting their leadership does not relieve you of the responsibility of addressing this problem. Rather, it means letting them set your course, executing their vision and expanding upon it and checking in with the students of color and their trusted advisers at every step.

We have been heartened to see the letters of support published in the Stanford Daily from SLS faculty of color and SLS ethics faculty, as well as the statement of support from the SLS faculty. [2] [3] We welcome the SLS faculty’s statement inviting individual students to speak with them about their concerns, and we also urge faculty to learn how they can initiate  conversations about race and inclusivity themselves, in their own classrooms. We remind our faculty that it can be incredibly difficult for students of color to approach them directly to air concerns, given the immense power they wield over the fate of their students. While we are hopeful that discussing and listening will lead to better understanding, we believe that understanding the problem is only the first step. Lasting change will come only if the Law School identifies specific policy solutions that will allow the institution to challenge and respond to bias. We expect that the Law School will thoughtfully implement tangible changes, measure the results, and adjust as needed in the long-term. The new Working Group on Diversity & Inclusion is a promising step in the right direction. However, the relatively small number of Working Group spots allocated to students is a concern.

As alumni of an institution that we steadfastly admire and credit with launching our careers, we pledge to hold the administration accountable to its students of color and to its professed ideals. While we are no longer physically present on campus, we are invested in Stanford’s relationships to its students of color and to the education that it provides to all of its students.

With every challenge comes opportunity. We believe SLS can distinguish itself by making a concerted, systemic, and lasting effort to interrupt the harmful impacts caused by overt racism and implicit bias on students of color in our community. By so doing, the law school will provide individual students of color the opportunity they deserve to pursue their legal education on equal footing with their classmates, and will lead the way in the creation of a more just legal profession.


[1] Op-ed, “Dear SLS, racism lives here too” (Feb. 7, 2018), available at


[2] Op-ed, “Dear SLS students, we are with you” (Feb. 14, 2018), available at


[3] Op-ed, “Dear SLS students, we can do better” (Feb. 15, 2018), available at


Ascanio Piomelli, professor of law and associate dean for experiential learning, UC Hastings College of the Law

Patti Chang, Women at Stanford Law co-president 1984-1985; CEO, Feed The Hunger Foundation


Eric Cohen, executive director, Immigrant Legal Resource Center

Susan Lubeck, field director, Bend the Arc Jewish Action


Christopher Ho, co-chair, Steering Committee, East Palo Alto Community Law Project, 1986-87; board member, East Palo Alto Community Law Project, 1995-2002; director, National Origin and Immigrants’ Rights Program, Legal Aid at Work

Alex Levinson, Steering Committee, East Palo Alto Community Law Project; executive director, Pacific Environment

Karen Klein, Women of Stanford Law co-chair 1985-86

Jennifer Drobac, lecturer and R. Bruce Townsend Professor of Law, Indiana University, Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Marc Rotenberg, president, Electronic Privacy Information Center

Stacey Hawver, executive director, Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County

Larry Krasner, district attorney, Philadelphia County

Lisa M. Rau, Pennsylvania State Court Judge


Mary T. Hernandez, founding partner, Garcia Hernandez Sawhney, LLP

Larry Ottinger, Steering Committee member, East Palo Alto Community Law Project; chair, Stanford National Lawyers Guild; nonprofit professional; chair, Our Maryland and Maryland Leads

Bob Libman, partner, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, P.C.

Marcy Wilder, partner, Hogan Lovells

Lisa Lindelef

Jose Silva, Stanford Latino Law Students Association co-chair, 1987-1988; principal deputy county counsel, County of Los Angeles


Catherine Ruckelshaus, general counsel, National Employment Law Project

Brian Mahoney

Theresa Mesa, EPALP Steering Committee Member


Michael Adams, Co-Chair, LGBTQ Law Students Association, 1987-1989; CEO, SAGE


Lillie Hsu, co-chair, Third National Conference on Women of Color and the Law

Chris Chambers Goodman, Women of Color and the Law Annual Conference Board; law professor; BLSA and WLA adviser

Susan Phyllis Mizner, co-chair – LGBT Students; Coalition for a Diversified Faculty; ACLU – director, Disability Rights Program

Ed Swanson, Co-Chair LGBLSA 1990-91; Swanson & McNamara


Michelle Alexander, visiting professor of social justice, Union Theological Seminary

Susan Bowyer, NLG co-chair, 1990-1991; deputy director, Immigration Center for Women and Children


Tim Iglesias, Stanford Public Service Fellow 1991-1993 ; Steven M. Block Civil Liberties Award 1992-1993 ; president 1992-1993, vice-president 1991 – 1992, Stanford Public Interest Law Fund

Professor of Law, University of San Francisco School of Law

Mike Zubrensky, chief counsel and legal director at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights


Omar Figueroa, founder, Law Offices of Omar Figueroa

Dahlia Lithwick, JLSA Co-President 1995-96; senior editor, Slate Magazine


Jonathan Blazer


Meera Trehan

Julia Wilson, CEO of OneJustice

Stacey Leyton, partner, Altshuler Berzon LLP


Amy (Korytowski) Matsui


Katharine Henrikson


Shana Scarlett, co-president, The Women of Stanford Law 2000-2001;editor, Law Review 1999-2001; member of Student Cabinet 2000-2001; Partner, Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP

Charles H. Jung, articles editor, Stanford Law Review 2000-2001; president, California Asian Pacific American Bar Association


Jennifer Sum, co-president, Asian and Pacific Islander Law Students Association (APILSA) 2001-2002

Kathleen Kim, APILSA, Stanford Law Review, Shaking the Foundations, Skadden Fellow, professor of law

Ramey Barnett


Jenny Chang Newell, APILSA Co-Chair, 2001-2002; managing attorney, ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project

Orlando Villalba

Vanessa Frank, SLLSA Co-Chair, SLLSA Alumni Co-Chair, private attorney

Teri Stein

Lisa Lam

Gladys Limon, SLA co-president, 2002-2003; executive director of the California Environmental Justice Alliance

Everett L Green, V.P., Black Law Students Association

John M. Wilson, executive editor, Law Review (2002-2003); partner, Latham & Watkins LLP

Minji Kim

Marisa Fortunati, co-chair, SLLSA 2001-2002

Shahid Buttar, executive editor, Stanford Environmental Law Journal; teaching assistant, Constitutional Law; Law School representative to the Graduate Green Building Advisory Council; Congressional candidate for CA-12; on leave from EFF as Director of Grassroots Advocacy

Omar Riojas, partner at Kelley, Goldfarb, Huck, Roth & Riojas, PLLC

Nichelle Carr, president, BLSA 2001-2002; Stanford Law Review


Bianca Sierra Wolff, co-president, Stanford Latino Law Students Association 2002-3, director of strategic partnerships, California Bar Foundation

Celina Ramirez

Sarah Varela, partner, McCracken, Stemerman & Holsberry

Sharon Terman

Elena Saxonhouse, co-president, Environmental Law Society, 2002-03; senior attorney, Sierra Club

Julie Atkinson

Alexis Karteron

Monica Ramirez Almadani, co-president, SLS Student Association, 2002-2003; special counsel, Covington & Burling LLP

Lisa Jimenez, co-chair, SLLSA 2003-2004

Kalpana Srinivasan


Mario Moya

Bryn Martyna, Street Law Board, Shaking the Foundations; youth justice policy coordinator, Wisconsin DCF

Alvaro Soria, co-chair, SLLSA 2003-2004



Justin Pidot, professor

Kevin B. Clune, co-president ACS 2006; director of strategic partnerships, Legal Aid at Work

Ben Hernandez-Stern

Samantha Stonework-Hand, co-chair, Shaking the Foundations Conference 2005

Valerie Castelo, APILSA treasurer, 2004-2005

Stephanie Villasenor, general counsel

Michael Lopez


Salena Copeland, co-president, Women of Stanford Law 2006-2007; co-chair, National Lawyers Guild 2005-2007; executive director, Legal Aid Association of California

Ray Ybarra, co-chair, SLLSA 2004

Lin Chan, co-editor-in-chief, Journal for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, 2006-2007

Michael Kaufman, senior staff attorney, ACLU of Southern California

Cindy Liou

Craig H Segall, co-editor-in-chief, Stanford Environmental Law Journal 2006-07; assistant chief counsel, California Air Resources Board

Mark Hancock

Esther Hong

Angie Cha

Preston Bottomy, JD/MBA co-president, VP, fashion – WalMart ecommerce

Laurel Simmons

Chantal Morgan D’Apuzzo, associate general counsel, California Institute of Technology

Saswat Bohidar

Miriam Zeidman

Tara Heumann, Criminal Law Society co-chair; deputy County Counsel, San Mateo (former Deputy DA)

Shani Moore Weatherby

Katie Spielman

Ruth Barnes

Brian Blalock

Ryan Clark, Department of State

Jennifer Liu, managing partner, The Liu Law Firm, P.C.

Sebastian Chan

Aidan C. McGlaze, co-editor-in-chief, Stanford Environmental Law Journal 2006-07; partner, Schonbrun Seplow Harris & Hoffman, LLP

Afam Onyema, BLSA vice president, 2006-2007; CEO, The GEANCO Foundation 


Juan Carlos Cancino

Laura Terlouw, senior associate, Cooley LLP

Liz Morris, COACH Mentoring Program co-director 2006-2007; deputy director, Center for WorkLife Law

Sabrina Adler, co-chair, Shaking the Foundations, 2006, senior staff attorney and program director, ChangeLab Solutions

Margaret Hughes, management consultant

Sarah Niyogi

Priya Purnachandra Pai, general counsel of Earnest LLC

Scott Mollett, SJIL, publishing chair

Leor Joseph Pantilat

Kavita Narayan

Julie Wahlstrand, WSL co-chair 2006-2007

Matt Armsby

Matt Steilen

Neesa Sethi, board member, Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties; staff attorney, Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia

Matthew Blumin

Michael Freedman, EIC, Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties; Senior Counsel

Seth Sias

Jessica Hubley, Women of Stanford Law co-president; SLA social chair 2007, CEO of AnnieCannons

Sierra Martinez, SLLSA co-president 2006-07, SJIL Business & Development Executive Officer, assistant managing editor, program director at Energy Foundation

Brooke Nussbaum, 3L class co-president, partner at Cooley LLP

Travis Brandon, assistant professor, Belmont University College of Law

Katie Burghardt Kramer, principal attorney at the Law Offices of Katherine Burghardt Kramer

Shubhra Shivpuri, deputy attorney general, Civil Rights Enforcement Section, California Department of Justice

Lauren Sun

Vivek Kothari

Nancy Glass

Niki Carelli

Angela Munoz

Mariko Hirose

Amy Park

Jonathan Olinger, BLSA co-chair, 2006-2007

Division General Counsel

Onye Ikwuakor

Kimere Kimball, class secretary

Perry Grossman

Jeff A. Laretto, SLS representative on Graduate Student Council; partner at Cooley LLP

Ben Ratner, president, Mock Trial Program; director, Environmental Defense Fund

Mark Baller


Jaime Huling Delaye, executive editor, SLR Vol. 61; treasurer, Class of 2009

Kenisha Nicholson

Esteban Rodriguez, SLLSA Board, 2007-2008; attorney, O’Melveny & Myers

Bolanle Olupona, Women of Stanford Law co-president, 2007-2008

Eunice Cho

Lisa Ehrlich, Co-EIC Stanford Environmental Law Journal 2008-2009, CA AG Civil Rights Enforcement Section

Menaka Kalaskar, executive editor, Stanford Law Review

Tamika Butler, Dean’s Award for Excellence in Service to Stanford Law School, 2009; Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation, President Stanford Law School Student Bar Association, President  OUTlaw, President Women of Stanford Law, Social Justice Chair & Domestic Violence Project Coordinator Volunteer Attorney Pro Bono Program, Pro Bono Student Coordinator Shaking the Foundations Progressive Lawyering Conference, Steering Committee Stanford Law Association, 1L Representative Stanford Law School Student Life Gender Committee, Student Liaison Stanford Law & Policy Society, Public Relations Co-chair Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation Auction, Publicity Co-chair Black Law Students Association, Member Women of Color Action Network, Member Journals: Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Managing Editor of Publishing; Executive Director, Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust

JP Schnapper-Casteras, Schnapper-Casteras PLLC

Yara Lomeli-Loibl, SLLSA co-chair

Wilfred U. Codrington III, Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties, bus. & fin. editor; counsel and Bernard and Anne Spitzer Fellow, Democracy Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law


Katrina Eiland, SPILF co-president, 2009-2010

Zoe Palitz

Gabriel R. Martinez, SLLSA board member; DOJ Antitrust Trial Attorney

Michelle Parris

Sonia Valdez, WISL Social Justice chair, Shakings co-chair, SJIL editor, SPILF board member, legal counsel

Rachel Marshall, SLA co-president, 2008-2009, Public Defender

Orion Danjuma, BLSA co-president 2008-2009; staff attorney, ACLU

Jordana L Mosten, SLLSA board member; development editor of Civil Rights Journal; deputy federal public defender

Emily Galvin, StreetLaw co-president, 2009-2010; CEO and founder, Partners for Justice

Alvaro Moises Huerta, SLLSA board member 2008-09; Public Interest Fellow 2009-10; Class Speaker for Commencement 2010; staff attorney, National Immigration Law Center

Ellen Medlin Richmond, ELS co-president, 2008-2009

Marina K. Jenkins, co-president, SLS Class of 2010; Class of 2010 5th Reunion co-chair

Jodi Wu

Scott Schaeffer

Max L Rettig, ALEP co-leader

Paul-Jon Benson


Kimi Narita, SPILF co-president 2011; ELS co-president 2010; lecturer in law, SLS, Spring 2018

Megan Herzog

Maureen Keffer, OutLaw co-president, 2010-2011

Susannah Karlsson, Special Litigation Counsel, Brooklyn Defender Services

Joelle Emerson, founder & CEO, Paradigm

Jessi Brooks

Kevin Lo, OutLaw co-president 2009-2010; APILSA treasurer, 2009-2010; Asian Law Caucus staff attorney

Monica Hernandez

Adam Podowitz-Thomas, SLA secretary, 2009-10; SPILF president 2010-11; SJCRCL EIC 2010-11

Zachary Carpenter

Carolyn Slauson Ali

Aaron Nissen

Karli Baumgardner, WSL co-president 2010-2011

Albert Yang

Tony Lai, associate editor, Stanford Law and Technology Review, co-president, SLS Advanced Degree Students Association; CEO,

Eli Miller, Streetlaw co-president 2010-11, deputy public defender

Wendra Liang

Sarah Grey, co-president, 2010-2011; attorney, Arnold & Porter LLP

Monica Hernandez

Chessie Thacher

Anna Scholin

Stephanie D. Ahmad


Maggie Filler, Commencement speaker; litigation fellow, Roderick & Solange MacArthur Justice Center

Ellie Dehghan, SLLSA co-president, WSL Social Justice co-chair, senior staff attorney, OneJustice

Daniel B. Rojas, SLLSA Board, 2011-12; GSC representative, 2011-2012; flag bearer 2012

Robert García

Alex Aronson

Malaina Freedman, SLLSA co-president 2010-2011

Loren Crary

Christy Holstege, SLA secretary 2010-2011; Stanford Law Students for Reproductive Justice, 2009-2011; Palm Springs City Councilmember

Katherine Traverso

Rose Leda Ehler, co-leader ALEP

Julia Rabinovich

Tsion “Sunshine” Lencho, BLSA alumni relations coordinator, SESLA Board of Directors; corporate counsel

Jennifer Holmes, fellow at NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Kelli Newman, Stanford Law Review associate editor, Building a Better Legal profession president

Carl Owens

Julia Cherlow, American Constitution Society co-president, 2011-2012

Kathryn Newhall

Daisy Sanchez, co-editor-in-chief, Stanford Journal of International Law, 2011-2012

Tori Ballif Gibbons

Stewart Lynn

Emily Murphy, associate professor of law, UC Hastings College of the Law

Daniel Galindo

Stephanie M. Tennant, BLSA Board; member of SLLSA, attorney

Matt Cagle

Shira Levine, immigration attorney, Centro Legal de la Raza

Meredith Johnson

Marian Fielding

Ethan Forrest

Jennifer Ingram, Shaking the Foundations co-chair, 2010; ILS Chair (Career Support), 2011-12

Adelina Acuna, American Constitution Society co-president, 2011-2012; American Constitution Society co-vice-president, 2010-2011; Levin Center Public Interest Fellow 2011-2012

Katharine McGowan

Jennifer Gibson, SPILF co-president 2011-2012

Brigid DeCoursey Bondoc

Ashley Romero

Daniel Lewis, co-director of Afghanistan Legal Education Project


Camille Fletcher, BLSA president 2011-2012, co-class president, 2013


Vanessa del Valle

SLLSA Board Member 2011-2012

Clinical Assistant Professor at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law


Marisa Diaz

SLLSA Board (2012-13)


Neil Devani

SLA Academic Committee Co-Chair, APILSA Board Member

Venture Investor


Adam Kretz

SLPR Editor-in-Chief (2013); OutLaw Board Member (2012); SLA Member (2011)

Attorney, Arnold & Porter LLP, Denver, CO


Aviva Gilbert

SLLSA co-director, 2011-2012


Elizabeth Dooley


Lale Uner


Maggie Brennan

Associate, Covington & Burling


Manuel Possolo


Alan Fishman


Rachel Gibbons


Alexandra Moss

SLATA Co-President 2011-2012

Associate, Sullivan & Cromwell


Wendy Salkin

Vice President, American Constitution Society, 2011 – 2012


Jessica Snyder

Moot Court Board, SLA, SLPR Co-EIC

Research and Writing Attorney Federal Public Defender Oregon


Jake Klonoski

ACS co-president, SLVO co-founder

DOJ Attorney


Lindsey Barnhart

OutLaw Co-President, 2011-2012

Associate at Covington & Burling LLP


Angela McCray

Founder, Project ReMADE

Associate at Gunderson Dettmer


Endria Richardson

BLSA Community Chair 2011-2012

Essie Justice Group


Virginia Cardenas


Benjamin Good


Omar Shakir

International Law Society President, Iraqi Refugee Assistance Program President; Stanford Muslim Law Students Association co-founder; National Lawyers Guild co-chair; Stanford Association for Law in the Middle East founding vice-president

Israel and Palestine Director, Human Rights Watch


Nayna Gupta

SLA Co-President 2011-2012

Immigration Defense Attorney (Alameda County Public Defender)


Alexandra Ressler


Jordan Wappler


Janiece Jenkins


Lucero Bello

BLSA social co-chair


Latoya Baldwin Clark

Dickerson Fellow, University of Chicago Law School


Asa Wynn-Grant


Jessica Spencer


Jarrell Cook

BLSA Vice President, 2011-2012 Policy Director


Monica Estrada

SESLA Co-President, 2012-2013; SLA Community Relations Co-Chair, 2011-2012

Corporate Counsel (Digital Video) – Amazon


Bobby Fischbeck

BLSA Programming Chair, 2011-2012


Olumide Onafowora


Mavis Asiedu-Frimpong

BLSA Academic Development Chair


Ashly Nikkole Davis

President, StreetLaw; Executive Vice President, Mock Trial

Associate, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP


Stefanie Shih


Julian Simcock


Jane Farrington


Jennifer Gonzalez


Danny Cullenward


Ben Brysacz

Associate, Jenner & Block LLP


Cathleen Hartge

APILSA Co-President, 2011-2012; Stanford Law Review Executive Editor, 2012-2013

Legal Director, Branch


Maggie Brennan

SLA Social Committee Co-Chair, 2011-2012

Associate, Covington & Burling


Max Friedman

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Law Journal; co-president, Environmental Law Society

Counsel, E.ON Climate & Renewables


David Weiskopf

President, Environmental Law Journal 2012-2013

Climate Policy Director, NextGen Policy Center



Sabrina Forte


Neil Sawhney

Senior Notes Editor, Stanford Law Review; Membership Chair, ACS

Staff Attorney, Southern Poverty Law Center


Lila Miller


Neha Gupta

ACS Co-President, 2013-2014


Alyssa Weis


Laura Bixby

Staff Attorney, Orleans Public Defenders


Tri Chiem

SLA, Social Chair 2013-2014; Asian and Pacific Islander Law Association at Stanford, Board Member; OutLaw at Stanford, Community Chair

Skadden, Associate (NYC)


Salvador E. Perez

SLLSA Co-Chair, 2012-2013

Associate, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP


Rachel McDaniel

Class of 2014 Co-President; SLA Community Relations Co-Chair, 2012-13; BLSA Social Chair, 2012-2013


Leah Judge

Co-Chair, Law Students for Reproductive Justice, 2012-2013; Co-President, Kirkwood Moot Court Competition, 2013-2014


Kingdar Prussien

BLSA Co-President, 2012-2013; SLPR Co-Editor-in-Chief, 2013-2014


Christina Black

Women of Stanford Law Mentoring Chair, 2012-2013; Law Students for Reproductive Justice Co-Chair, 2012-2013; Outlaw Social Chair, 2013-2014

Associate, Berger & Montague, P.C.


Alexandra Miller

SLA social chair 2012-2013


Samuel Eisenberg


Lauren Tsuji


Jennifer Williams

Criminal Law Society Co-President 2012-2013, Black Law Students Association Board Member 2012-2013 Staff Attorney at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia


Anuja Thatte


Afua Adjei


Kat Mateo

BLSA Social Chair


Chantal Johnson

Law Students for Disability Rights, President, 2013-2014


Kasonni Scales


Katherine Hubbard


Matthew Fine


Maura Freedman


Alexandra Leeper


Taylor Hauck Leonard


Richard Sapien


Monica Lienke


Sherri Hansen

Associate at The Liu Law Firm, P.C.


Ruth Levine


Nisha Kashyap

Staff Attorney, Alliance for Children’s Rights


Tarana Riddick


Katherine Lin


Briane Cornish


Max Carter-Oberstone


Meredith Firetog

SPILF President, 2013-2014; WSL Academic VP, 2012-2013


Duncan Taylor

BLSA Co-President, 2012-2013; SLA Academic Co-Chair, 2012-2013

Associate, Crowell & Moring LLP


Alexandra Tucker Stewart

Stanford Law Review Senior Development Editor, Volume 66


Atenas Burrola

SLLSA Board, 2012-2013; Leader of Language Bank and DACA Pro Bono

Researcher with Human Rights Watch


Maureen Howard


John Butler

SLLSA Co-Chair 2012-2013


Ariel Green

Stanford Intellectual Property Association President 2012 – 2013

Associate at Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP


Kate Scherschel

Associate, Covington & Burling


Will Cooper


Rachel Easter


Benjamin Chagnon


Casey Raymond

Editor-in-Chief, Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties, 2012-2013

Skadden Fellow, Bet Tzedek Legal Services


Peter DeMarco


Mary (Van Houten) Harper

President, International Human Rights Law Association, 2013-2014

Immigration Staff Attorney, Brooklyn Defender Services


Eric Weitz


Arash Aramesh


Joel Minor

Environmental Law Society Co-President 2012-13, Environmental Law Journal Co-Editor-in-Chief, 2013-14  Associate Attorney, Earthjustice


Yijia Lu


Jeremy Bearer-Friend


Monique Loy Fierro

Vice President LSRJ


Raymond Tambe

Black Law Students Association Treasurer, 2012-2013

Attorney, Cohen Gardner LLP


Mark Feldman


Christopher Boots

SLA Co-President, 2012-2013


Nicholas Moreno



RuiHui (Rachel) Yu

APILSA Co-President 2012-2013


Michael Chen

APILSA Co-President, 2012-2013


Hajin Kim


Corinne Keel


Michael Baer


Cesar De La Vega


Thomas Rubinsky


Ian Aucoin

ALEP Director of Outreach


Sam Jacobson

SLVO President; ALEP Co-Director

Federal Defenders of New York


Matthew Forbes


Megan Byrne

BLSA Vice President, 2012-2013


Kevin Jason

BLSA Community Service Chair 2012-2013

Staff Attorney – New York Civil Liberties Union


Ryan Harper



Nikki Marquez

Class Treasurer, 2014-2015; Board SPILF, 2014-2015; VP NALSA, 2013-2014; Board APILSA, 2013-2014; Board LSRJ 2013-2014; Board SIHRLA, 2013-2014; Marketing Chair, Shaking the Foundations, 2013-2014

Law Fellow/Attorney at Immigrant Legal Resource Center


Ibrahim Elshamy


Leslie-Bernard Joseph

BLSA Co-President 2013-14


Kaleisha Stuart

BLSA Co-Vice President/Social Chair

Associate Counsel, Dallas Cowboys


Trevor M. Kempner

SLA Social Co-Chair, 2013-14

Associate, Cooley LLP


Sophia Rios

SCritLS Co-President 2015-2016


Michelle Lamy

Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties – Executive Board; Law Students for Reproductive Justice – Co-President

Associate Attorney


Jessica Verran-Lingard

BGSA President, 2014-2015


Kara McBride


David Hausman

SPILF Co-President

Skadden Fellow, ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project


Natalia Renta

Outlaw Co-President, 2013-2014

Staff Attorney, Make the Road New York


Mozianio (Trey) Samuel Reliford

BLSA Corporate Relations Director, 2013-2014; American Constitution Society Co-Membership Chair, 2013-2014; Bar Tsar, 2014-2015; Section Representative 2013-2014

Associate, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP


Mikael Rojas

Co-Chair, Stanford Latino Law Students Association


Alec Schierenbeck


Cecilia Oyediran

BLSA Professional Development Chair – 2013-2014


Zachary Kruth


Sarah Salomon

Project ReMADE, Project Lead


Stacy Villalobos

SLLSA Co-Chair, 2013-14; Stanford Law Review


Denise Ballesteros


Jessica Dragonetti


Amelia Green


Jonathan Schatz

SLATA Co-President 2013-14


Tiffany Yang



Nicole Cambeiro, Women of Color Collective co-chair

Clifford Mpare, BLSA co-president 2014-15

Marni Barta

Steven Spriggs, Project ReMADE coordinator; BLSA Academic co-chair; SLPR Lead Features Editor 

Alex Twinem, SLR managing editor 2015-2016, Public Interest Fellow 2015-2016

Anna Jaffe

Virginia Halden, SLS Public Interest Fellow, 2015-2016; Housing Pro Bono Program Student Coordinator, 2014-2015; Shaking the Foundations Conference Co-Chair 2015; attorney, Philadelphia Legal Assistance

Marcus Bourassa, SLA co-president, 2014-2015, assistant federal public defender

Jennifer Oxley

Cindy Garcia, SLLSA board member 2014-2015; Shaking the Foundations board 2014-2015; SPILF board 2013-2014; Women of Color Collective 2014-2015; Stanford Critical Law Society 2014-2015; Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Journal 2013-2015

Nikki Leon, OutLaw Board, 2014-15; APILSA academic chair, 2014-15

Swain Uber, human rights lawyer

Laura Vittet-Adamson

Emi Young, WoCC, APILSA public defender

Elizabeth Jones, ELS co-president, 2014-2015, associate attorney at the Southern Environmental Law Center

Sara Estela, SLLSA board member, WoCC board member

Rylee Sommers-Flanagan, ACS co-president, 2014-15

Neil Raina, SPILF co-president 2015-2016

Aaron Stanton


Christopher Lewis, junior fellow, Society of Fellows, Harvard University

Amy Tannenbaum

Adam Lewis

Lauren Zack

Willie Brenc

Brandon Teachout

Kate Fetrow

Cari Jeffries, Women of Stanford Law Executive Committee; co-chair, Access to Justice Project (2015-2016)

Katie Bies, 2017 Class co-president

Elizabeth Costello

Andrew Roberts

Amari Hammonds, BLSA Academic co-chair, 2015-2016

Mary Rock

Annick-Marie Jordan, NALSA president; co-coordinator for SCritLS and NLG; social chair of the Black Graduate Association; co-coordinator of the Immigration Pro Bono Project

Chelsea Cook

Zehava Robbins

SLA Community Co-Chair, 2015-2016; SJCLP Co-EIC and Symposium Chair, 2015-2016; Criminal Law Society Alumni Chair, 2015-2016

Charlie Johnson and Mackenzie Tudor, SLS Democrats President 2015-2016, BLSA Executive Board 2014-2016, WOCC Executive Board 2015-2016

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