Heisman website, bye-week subjects of Tuesday presser

Oct. 17, 2017, 10:04 p.m.

At Tuesday’s press conference, head football coach David Shaw revealed the newest addition to the team’s media presence, a website entitled brycelove20.com that promotes junior running Bryce Love for the Heisman Trophy.

“[The website] is not just to sway voters, but it’s for people to get an idea of how special this is, if they don’t already know him,” said Shaw. “We want to continue to expose the nation to the special kid that we have here.”

Shaw hopes people will get to know Love for who he is and what he has done. The Heisman candidate is No. 1 in the nation in total rushing with 1,387 yards. He averages 198 yards per game and 10.3 yards per carry, making him a force to reckon with.

Shaw recognized that much of the country doesn’t get to see Love play, since many of the games on the West Coast start so late. He hopes this website will counterbalance that trend and bring more attention to the star running back.

Coming off of a 49-7 win against Oregon this past Saturday, the football team will have an off week before a Thursday night away game against Oregon State next week. Shaw plans to have practice tomorrow before giving the players the rest of the week off.

“You play conference games week after week after week, it wears on you … when you get a chance to take the pads off, sometimes you have to do it,” said Shaw.

Stanford has the third fewest penalties per game in the Pac-12. In Saturday’s matchup, the Ducks gave up 101 yards in nine penalties, while the Cardinals only gave up 15 yards in two penalties. Shaw attributes this to the discipline, technique and athletic ability he instills in his team.

“Discipline in crunch time is the difference between being successful and not successful on the field, in the classroom and in life,” said Shaw.


Contact Alejandro Salinas at asalinas ‘at’ stanford.edu.

Alejandro Salinas '21 is a Senior Staff Writer after serving as the Managing Editor of Sports for two volumes. Hailing from Pasadena, CA, he studies computer science and biology as a junior. In his free time he enjoys running, playing with dogs and watching sports. Contact him at asalinas 'at' stanforddaily.com.

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