(MCKENZIE LYNCH/The Stanford Daily)
In its tenth meeting as a Senate, the 17th ASSU Undergraduate Senate voted to approve funding bills, including a bill for Mausoleum, and discussed a bill that calls for the introduction of a sustainable dining hall.
The Senate voted unanimously to approve funding bills for various student groups, including Stanford Spoken Word Collective, Stanford Women in Medicine and Testimony A Capella, as recommended by the Appropriations Committee. In addition, the Senate approved a budget of $24,500 for the Mausoleum Party.
“It’s returning to the actual Mausoleum this year and going to be a much larger event than it was last year,” said Appropriations Committee Chair Justice Tention ’18.
The Senate deliberated on a bill calling for Stanford Dining to introduce a new sustainable food themed dining hall, most likely through the repurposing of an existing dining hall. This proposed dining hall would feature a largely vegetarian menu with one meat dish that is both halal and kosher.
“This dining hall would not just be about sustainable dining, but also about accommodating religious beliefs,” said Administration and Rules Committee Chair Matthew Cohen ’18.
Stanford People for Animal Welfare, Students for Sustainable Stanford, Stanford Meatless Mondays, Stanford Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, Jewish Student Association, Muslim Student Union and The Stanford Food Project are all co-sponsoring this bill.
ASSU Vice President Brandon Hill ’16 highlighted cabinet initiatives on sexual assault and mental health, specifically a Nov. 5 event about sexual assault prevention, as well as the current search for a University president.
“We are working to have a town hall for the presidential search,” Hill said. “We will be getting students input about what they would like the university to look like over the next decade and what qualities they would look for a leader.”
The Senate will also be updating its intern program, implementing a mentorship program for freshman involved in this program. In addition, the Senate will play recorded updates of what the senate has been doing in the half time of the football game against Washington this weekend.
Contact Pallavi Krishnarao at pallavik ‘at’ stanford.edu.
This post has been updated. A previous version stated that the ASSU Senate voted on a bill to introduce a new sustainable dining hall; the bill was not voted on. The Daily regrets this error.