Microsoft ex-CEO Steve Ballmer to teach Stanford GSB course in fall

Aug. 27, 2014, 3:03 p.m.

Steve Ballmer, ex-CEO of Microsoft, will be teaching a course at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in the fall. Ballmer will co-teach a class called “Leading Organizations” along with The Economics of Technology Professor Susan Athey.

According to the course description, the class will focus on “creating business value from the perspective of a high-level executive.” Ballmer will bring experience from his 34-year career at Microsoft, including 14 years as CEO.

Ballmer retired from his CEO position six months ago and announced his decision last week to step down from Microsoft’s board of directors as well. In a public letter to Microsoft’s new CEO, Ballmer said his decision to leave the board was driven by other commitments, including his new ownership of the L.A. Clippers basketball team and role as a teacher.

After teaching at the GSB in the fall, Ballmer will teach a spring course at USC’s Marshall School of Business.

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