Clayman Institute launches Center for the Advancement of Women’s Leadership

May 19, 2014, 1:50 a.m.

On May 21, the Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford will launch the Center for the Advancement of Women’s Leadership. Shelley Correll, Director of the Clayman Institute and Professor of Sociology at Stanford, will lead the center, which aims to promote women’s leadership in business, government and education.

The center will host an inaugural event on Wednesday, where panelists will present research on a new model for inclusion created by NYU Professor Kenji Yoshino and Christie Smith, national managing principal at the Deloitte University Leadership Center for Inclusion.

“We believe prosperity and innovation require the full participation of both men and women,” Correll said in a press release. “Our initial goal is to increase women’s representation in top leadership positions to at least 30 percent. Only when women’s voices are more fully included in the important decisions facing our companies, our governments and our universities will we be able to bring new perspectives on how to address the world’s issues and challenges.”

In order to address the shortage of women in leadership roles, the center aims to address three target areas: empowering women to succeed, engaging men in conversations about the gender gap and creating effective organizations.

In addition, the center seeks to partner with top companies and policymakers to research how to develop more inclusive environments.


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