Both fencing teams finish in top three in season opener

Jan. 10, 2012, 1:32 a.m.


At Sunday’s Western Invitational in Colorado Springs, Colo., the Stanford women’s fencing team placed second and the men’s team placed third.


The tournament used a best-of-six-match format, and the Cardinal teams went 5-1 and 4-2, respectively.


On the women’s side, all five wins were fairly comfortable, as Stanford won the first five best-of-27 matches by at least nine-point margins. However, in the title match, the Cardinal ran into a buzz saw in Northwestern, with the Wildcats winning 25-2 to take the title.


The men had the closest match of the tournament, barely edging out UC-San Diego 14-13 after three blowout wins. Stanford lost twice, though: once to host Air Force and once to eventual champion Notre Dame.


Freshmen led the way for both teams, as Cameron Lindsay went 14-4 and Jonathan Lee went 13-5 on the men’s side, while Katya Savitsky was 11-4, Julia Klepner was 12-5 and Lily McElwee was 14-3.


Stanford does not compete again until the Midwestern Invitational on Feb. 4.

 – Jacob Jaffe

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