The Daily brief: September 1, 2011

Sept. 1, 2011, 4:09 p.m.

College Town | Real estate in areas surrounding colleges and universities are better investments, according to an analysis done by the San Francisco Chronicle’s “On the Block” real estate blog. The blog compared the value of properties in Palo Alto to the rest of the South Bay, Berkeley to the rest of the North Bay and Cambridge to the rest of the Boston Area and found that those closer to college campuses sold for more per square foot.

Banks on Marriage | Law professor Ralph Richard Banks studies the factors contributing to a decline in marriages between African-American couples in the United States in his new book, “Is Marriage for White People?” He spoke to Time magazine about his research into the marriage of the black “middle class” in the interview found here.

Overheard | “Talking about a very direct threat to those places brings up something very emotional related to climate change. It’s a great time to reach people, when they’re emotionally raw and ready to do something.” — education professor Nicole Ardoin in a Scientific American article on using National Parks as a way to teach about climate change.

9/11/01 | The Palo Alto Online recalls the community’s reaction to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks ten years ago. The recap includes mention of a bomb threat to Hoover library, which resulted in an evacuation of the surrounding area.

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