Campus construction | The Farm features 11 new buildings, outdoor art installations, flower gardens and relaxation spaces in a self guided tour here.
Facebook eyes second campus | Facebook filed documents with the city of Menlo Park outlining construction plans for a 22-acre West Campus across from the current Sun Microsystems park. The new campus could house 2,800 new workers, and is planned to feature five three-and-four story buildings around a central courtyard. Facebook expects to offer public stocks in 2012 and to begin construction of the new campus in 2013.
A look at the quake | Professor of geophysics Mark Zoback discusses the causes and implications of the recent 5.8-magnittude quake that shook central Va. Students at the Stanford in Washington center said they felt the quake, but reported no damage or injuries.
Overheard |“The usual pattern at this point would be for the rebel coalition, now that the prize that helped unify their efforts has been won, to divide and start fighting for control of It” – Libya expert and professor of political science James Fearon comments on the ongoing conflict.
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